Thursday, February 21, 2008

Uh oh... Just when you thought it was safe to jump back in the water...

One of the ancillary benefits of Kidd's departure is we no longer have to care about his off court life, particularly the nasty accusations brought against him regarding a sexual harassment in a NY bar.

I thought, Whew! No more Joumana, no more bad accusations... Maybe the team can focus on basketball for a change...

Nope. One day. That's all we got.

Seems the Minneapolis police are looking into contentions by a Minnesota man who claims RJ throttled him to the point where the guy had to seed medical attention, all because he refused to let the uninvited Jefferson attend a private party.

I've always liked RJ, thought he was a solid citizen. An Andy Pettitte of basketball.

And maybe he is. Of course, Pettitte recently had to fess up to a mess... So maybe RJ's persona is also subject to doubt.

Man! And here I was hoping all the psychodrama had taken a plane for Dallas...

Let's see how this one plays out. And how we wind up feeling about Richard Jefferson when all is said and done...


respeckle said...

I'm and RJ fan too. i hope it's not true. interestingly, the nts machine has not addressed this at all....and actually i don't remember any of the nets beat writers mentioning it either.

Gavino said...

I heard it mentioned in passing on the way home on the radio postgame on Tuesday, but other than that, the media has been silent...